Governmental Organization

The Case & Citizen Journey
This governmental organization aimed to streamline its public services and improve overall citizen satisfaction. They wanted to understand how citizens perceive their experience with various public services and identify opportunities for enhancement.

Data Collection & Insights
To gain insights, the organization gathered feedback from citizens through surveys and conducted focus groups. The data collected provided valuable information on citizens' experiences, pain points, and satisfaction levels with the services offered.

Mapping the Journey with Milkymap
Using Milkymap, the organization mapped out the entire citizen journey across multiple touchpoints. This process allowed them to visualize the struggles and emotions experienced by citizens, highlighting areas where service delivery could be improved.

Presentation & Output
The touchpoints were easily transformed into a clear, comprehensive presentation using Milkymap’s tools. This visual representation enabled the organization to pinpoint specific areas for enhancement and share their findings with key stakeholders.

Optimization of the Journey
A refined, citizen-centric journey was created based on the insights gathered. This optimized journey served as a blueprint for the organization to address critical issues and enhance the overall service experience for citizens.

Evaluation and Review
Thanks to Milkymap, the governmental organization significantly improved its public service delivery, increasing citizen satisfaction and fostering trust and transparency between the government and its citizens.

Fantastic product! What a great way to improve how we manage customer journeys.
Tommy Rahardjo

There was a really good evaluation of what we needed.... Together we developedthe final concept. The visuals are clear, playfull, effective and support the vision we want to communicate.

Bo Kemp-Lakic
No Matter how complex are profound our Customer Journey's became in the organizaiton, they always connect in the holistic CX Life Cycle Model of Milkymap.
Wouter Van der Drif

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